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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Christmas Morning

A Good Christmas!
It always is. I especially loved this one. I was so impressed with the slow laid back pace. After looking through the stockings we fixed breakfast, ate breakfast and then cleaned up breakfast! And then finally got back to it. There was no wining or impatient waiting. They seemed just as happy as we were to take it slow. I mean, is that normal? Does that just happen when they get older? Still, they're all under 10. Not quite the age of maturity.
I love how impatient they get while we take pictures. Here they are waiting at the top of the stairs. I guess this is where they got all their impatient waiting out. We had to take several pictures while waiting for Canon to stop crying. They loved that! This was the best we could do:
Taking turns coming down the stairs to look for stockings.
I love this picture!
Let the frenzy begin!
Sing-a-ma-jigs! These are HILARIOUS! Canon and the girls got these in their stockings and they spent forever just playing with them, not caring when they got to the gift opening.

When Canon got this Logan was a little confused because he had one (that had been run over twice and is no longer usable) and he thought we were giving Canon his. He was a little sad about it until he opened this:
Trust me, he was thrilled.

Jocelyn wanted a Go-Go pet dog. I wanted to get her Heelys (knowing Jocely's love for thrilling adventure). We both got what we wanted. --Grandma Hansbrow got her the dog. Later I asked her, when she was rolling all around the kitchen, what her favorite gift was. You betcha, mother knows best!

Ryen wanted school supplies. I found these great lapboards online at Tag Toys. They are chalkboards on one side and dry erase on the other and the quality is amazing. She of course loved them.
I was the most surprised by her Christmas morning. When we teased her that we took her present back and that she doesn't get a present from mom and dad she took it literally and wonderfully. It was weird! She just sat back and said, "Okay." It was so sweet! You could tell that she was a little disappointed but her response was so mature. I don't think we would have teased her like that if we knew she was going to think we were serious. Mean parents!

This gift was kind of a family/Ethan gift. But Ethan wanted the PS3 in a bad way. Not because he knew all the possiblities a Playstatin could hold but so he could play a video game called Split Second. Yep, the game was his gift from Santa. That would've been a bummer: the PS3 but no game. We're not that mean.

Ethan hugged and kissed his present. His reaction was priceless.
We must not tease very much because he believed us too when Brian said, "Oh no, he's going to know what it is, I just heard it bark." Ethan paused and then carefully unwrapped the present. So funny that he believed it. I wouldn't even buy Jocelyn a pretend dog.


Jaimin January 27, 2011 at 5:40 PM  

Love Sing-a-ma-jigs! Isabel got one too! :) Looks like a wonderful Christmas! :)

Kourtney January 30, 2011 at 4:12 PM  

Such cute kids

About Me

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I love being a wife to an incredible husband and mother of 5 insanely cute kids! I love to be creative. Things I love to create include cute kids, attractive home, interesting photography, and anything in photoshop. This list is subject to change at anytime and only happens when time, money and energy permit! Other things I enjoy include reading, watching favorite shows together with the hubby, listening, dancing & cleaning to music, eating out (or in as long as I can enjoy someone else's cooking), organizing the house and laughing with my husband and kids. Things I don't particularly enjoy are grocery shopping, laundry for 7 people, and seeing a dirty bathroom counter right after I clean it. In general life makes me crazy sometimes but most times I feel insanely blessed and complete!














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